Division A | B | C | D | E
Event Information
Standard Team Format +
Pool Play
6 Players
Gender requirements:
Division A | B | C
3 Males | 3 Females
A minimum of (3) females and a maximum of (3) males
Division D | E
4 Males | 2 Females
A minimum of two (2) females and a maximum of four (4) males
You can play more females then males in any division
Net Results Sports Center
2600 Research Drive Ste. 100
Plano, TX 75074
Roster Deadline
August 2nd
Game Days
All Divisions
August 10 – 11th
Thank you to our
Venue Parnter
Thank You Partners

Practice locations are offered at a first come first serve basis reservations are required at all locations
Net Results Sports Center
To rent a court contact:
[email protected]
Contact by Email is preferred.
2600 Research Drive Ste. 100 Plano, TX 75074
Reservations must be made, please call ahead!
$60 / hour for reservations.
Check in Procedure
Athletes should check in each day at the registration table at least 30 minutes prior to their scheduled competition.
Appropriate identification must be presented at the time of registration.
Acceptable forms of ID
Team Captains must have their rosters completed and online by the date referenced on the individual rules. These rosters will be used by Corporate Challenge staff to print the Team Waivers that will be signed at event check-in. Players present their identification to the volunteers at the registration desk and all team members must sign the form.
All players must check-in at the registration table prior to their initial game. Please refer to individual events for clarifications on check-in. Each participant must sign the team waiver form, and must produce identification.
Participation in the Richardson Corporate Challenge is restricted to company employees, retirees, contractors and spouses. In order to ensure fairness, participants will be asked to produce at least one acceptable form of ID.
– An employee photo ID (security) card
– Driver’s license
– Other photo ID
– A company benefits card
– A letter signed by the company’s human resources department verifying that the participant is employed by the company.
– A company pay stub, or photocopy
– An official company business card
– A corporate credit card
Team Captains must have the Team Roster completed and online by the deadline located on each event rule page.
– Letters from human resources with a ‘fill in the blank’ for the employee name.
– Personal credit cards or other non-photo ID cards
Participation Points
– If a team finishes all scheduled games with no forfeits they will earn 30 participation points.
– Teams will be awarded a maximum of 12 medals per team.
– There is no uniform requirement, but it is encouraged that each company wear their Corporate Challenge shirt
Corporate Challenge will Provide
– The game ball – your team should supply practice balls.
Governing Body
United States Volleyball Association rules will govern play except as noted
– Matches will be the best two out of three games – 45 minute time limit.
– Games will be scored using rally scoring.
– The first two games will be to 21, at 21 all winner will be first to 23.
– If a third game is necessary it will be to 15 points, at 15 all winner will be first to 17.
– Top referee will keep the official time and call the match after 45 minutes has expired.
– If time expires before the 3rd set, the team with the higher point deferential wins
– A net serve will be considered a good serve.
– No more than three (3) hits per team during volley.
– Must alternate playing positions according to gender and players may not move until ball is served (hit by player). In D, E Division, if playing with 2 females, they must line up in opposite positions.
– Back row players may not participate or attempt to block.
– First service will be determined by flip of coin as conducted by referee. The service zone is extended to include the width of the 9-meter area behind the end lines.
Interruptions of Play
– Time out may be granted by the referees only when the ball is dead.
– A team is allowed (2) time-outs in each game. The length of time-out is limited to (30) seconds. Two (2) consecutive time-outs may be requested by either team without the resumption of play between time-outs.
– A maximum interval of (2) minutes is allowed between games of a match.
Special Rules
– Co-Ed Play, when the ball is played more than once by a team, at least (1) of the contacts must be made by a female player. There is no requirement for a male player to contact the ball, regardless of number of contacts by a team.
– One referee with the responsibility of calling the match will be provided. With the exception of the first game on each day – all teams who lose the match must provide 3 individuals to call lines and keep score on the court they just completed their match on. For first games only, volunteers will be provided.
– Game time is forfeit time. Official time will be the Event Coordintor’s time keeping device.
– Teams forfeiting a winner’s bracket game will be placed in the loser’s bracket.
– If a team concedes or has started and ceases to play during an event, all prior wins or losses will still stand and any points earned will be awarded.

Countdown to Game Day!