Rain Out Line: 972-744-4301

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T-Shirt Competition

VOTE now! 

The winning company t-shirt per division will be awarded a plaque at closing ceremonies. 

Divisions: A B C D E

T-Shirt Entry Deadline:
August 2nd  
End of Day

Voting Opens: August 12th 
Voting Closes: October 3rd

Display: Images of all submissions will be available on-line throughout the duration of the games.


Shirts MUST include the 2024 Corporate Challenge Logo

Shirts MUST also include the Special Olympics Texas logo to be eligible for the competition.

Logos can be found under Marketing Material.

Logos may be placed anywhere on the shirt and can be one color or full color.

The company in each division with the most points will win the T-Shirt Competition.

Please email a high-res image of your shirt (you may be able to get it from your printing company) to [email protected]  for display online.

Point System:
One point for each vote. Online voting will determine the top 3 shirts in each division and a neutral panel of 3 judges will select the overall winner.