Dominoes (42)
Division A | B | C | D | E
Event Information
4 players (2 pairs)
No gender requirements
Richardson Senior Center
820 W Arapaho Rd # 100, Richardson, TX 75080
Roster Deadline
September 9th
Game Days
September 16 – 17th
Thank You Partners

Due to the nature of the tournament, all matches will be limited to a 50 minute time limit.
During the first 2 matches, the winner will be declared based on high marks or completion of matches.
Check in Procedure
Athletes should check in each day at the registration table at least 30 minutes prior to their scheduled competition.
Appropriate identification must be presented at the time of registration.
Acceptable forms of ID
Team Captains must have their rosters completed and online by the date referenced on the individual rules. These rosters will be used by Corporate Challenge staff to print the Team Waivers that will be signed at event check-in. Players present their identification to the volunteers at the registration desk and all team members must sign the form.
All players must check-in at the registration table prior to their initial game. Please refer to individual events for clarifications on check-in. Each participant must sign the team waiver form, and must produce identification.
Participation in the Richardson Corporate Challenge is restricted to company employees, retirees, contractors and spouses. In order to ensure fairness, participants will be asked to produce at least one acceptable form of ID.
– An employee photo ID (security) card
– Driver’s license
– Other photo ID
– A company benefits card
– A letter signed by the company’s human resources department verifying that the participant is employed by the company.
– A company pay stub, or photocopy
– An official company business card
– A corporate credit card
Team Captains must have the Team Roster completed and online by the deadline located on each event rule page.
– Letters from human resources with a ‘fill in the blank’ for the employee name.
– Personal credit cards or other non-photo ID cards
Participation Points
– A complete team will earn 30 participation points
– Complete teams consist of four different people; 2 pairs teams
– Incomplete teams will earn one point for each participant
– Teams will be awarded 2 medals per pair
Substitution Information
– Substitutions must be made prior to the start of competition each day.
– Substitutions for this event are not gender specific, Once play begins substitutions are not allowed.
– There is no uniform requirement, but it is encouraged that each company wear their Corporate Challenge shirt
Corporate Challenge will Provide
– All Equipment
Governing Body
The tournament will take two days to complete, Each day play will begin at 6:30 p.m. All divisions will play on the first day, progress on bracket will determine what teams return the next day.
– Table assignments are made on the day of competition, all teams should be checked in and ready to play by 6:30 p.m.
– Bidding NELLO is NOT be permitted in following with the standard rules of The National 42 Players Association, N42PA
Doubles can be played as a suit of their own and will only be played high in their suit.
– All matches will be limited to 50 minutes
– Participants are expected to keep their own time, in the event of a tie a sudden death elimination will consist of teams playing to one mark.
A dealer is selected shuffling the dominoes face down on the table. Each player draws and domnio, the player drawing the highest number of dots is the first dealer. The dealer then reshuffles all dominoes face down, players draw 7 dominoes to begin the hand, following the hand the deal moves clockwise around the table.
The player sitting to the left of the dealer is the first bidder. The bid moves clockwise around the table until every player has the opportunity to bid by raising a previous bid or passing. Each player has only one chance to bid before play of the hand begins. Bidding begins at 30 and moves upward to 42 (One Mark). “Mark” bidding may not start at 126 (Three Marks) or higher. After a 42 or 84 bid, subsequent bids must be made in one mark increments. All Mark level bids must be stacked
To maintain pace of play, no “Pass Out” hands will be allowed, if the first 3 players pass, the 4th player must bid a minimum of 30.
The highest bidder announces trumps and starts the game by playing the first domino. No trumps “follow me” will be allowed. Players must follow the suit led by the first player of each trick. If trumps are not led, the highest suit on the domino led establishes the suit a player must follow. If it is not possible to follow suit, then a player may throw a trump, a count domino or an “off:
Trumps cannot be played if it is possible to follow suit with other dominoes. The highest trump or highest domino takes the trick. When doubles are trumps the same trump rules apply: the lead of a double requires play of a double, when possible.
Bidding NELLO is not permitted.
Helpful Terms
There are 7 dominoes in each suit, six with the number of dots on one end being the same and one with the number of dots on both ends the same. The latter is called a double. Doubles can also be classed as a suit in the same order of importance: 6-6, 5-5, 4-4, 3-3, 2-2, 1-1, 0-0. There are a total of 8 different suits: Blanks, 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, 6’s and doubles.
The highest bidder’s suit becomes the main trumps for the duration of one hand. Trumps are higher than any domnio and will take tricks including doubles of other suits.
Any domino which has not been played and is the highest in its suit after the double and other higher ones have been played.
There are 5 count dominoes in double six sets of dominoes, 5-5 and 6-4 which count 10 points, and 0-5, 3-2, 1-4 which count 5 points.
A trick cosists of 4 dominoes, each player playing 1 domino in clockwise rotation around the table. There are 7 tricks in each hand.
Each trick counts 1 point plus the values of “count” dominoes in each trick.
– All games will be scored one game to seven marks (ALL)
– There are 7 tricks that make a total of 42 points. To determine if a bid is made or not, add the number of points in the bidder’s tricks. If they do not total the amount bid or more the player is “set” tricks with count dominoes in them still count 1 points for the trick.

Countdown to Game Day!