Getting started
Your Company is in…Now What?!
Coordinator Corner
You are vital to both your company as well as to us. We will work closely with you to ensure the event is the best it can be for your company.
Starting in April, a Company Coordinator meeting will be held on Wednesdays of each month leading up to the kick-off of the Corporate Challenge. We highly encourage you to attend all meetings!
Company Coordinator Meeting Dates
Huffhines Recreation Center
200 North Plano Rd.
Richardson TX. 75081
11:30 – 1:00
Lunch is provided
April 10th
May 8th
June 12th
July 10th
Thank you Partners

Your Responsibilities
You are the primary liaison between your company and the Games Office you will be responsible for communicating questions and concerns to our games office. Individual participants should not call the office, they should field their questions through their Company Coordinator.
Recruiting fellow employees to assist in organizing your teams (i.e. coaches/captains, spirit committee members, fund-raising chairs, etc.)
Communicating with your company leadership to ensure they are aware of your involvement and the benefits to your company and its employees.
Attending Company Coordinator meetings
Ensuring that registration forms, team rosters, etc. are completed and submitted on time.
Distributing schedules, site maps, rules, Team Waiver Form(s), and other information within your organization.
We encourage all Coordinators to recruit as many employees as possible to coach and/or captain a team, to take the lead on your spirit committee or to spearhead your fund-raising efforts. The team-building starts well before you hit the field or court!
Build your teams!
It is vital to build your team of support within your company, recruit early, delegate responsibilities. Being the Company Coordinator is no easy task, you do not have to do it alone! Start with forming committees and recruiting team captains to take ownership!
The games office is here to support you and make sure your company is successful in its participation in the Corporate Challenge! Don’t hesitate to reach out to the games office for help, ideas or support!
Team Captains
Team Captains will be important to you! Each event that your company participates in should have a designated Team Captain. These individuals will prepare your teams for play, secure practice times, coordinate practice times, hold tryouts (if necessary), and assure that on game day your team is on time and ready to play!
Spirit Committee
A Spirit Committee is not a requirement for each participating company, but does provide more support throughout the games and an opportunity for non-athletes to particpate! These individuals can rally your company to come out to cheer on your participants at the various events, design your shirts and perhaps order some of the other spirit related items for your company. Some companies have mascots, others have banners made, and some even bring out the noise makers! A Spirit Committee is a great way to get even more of your company involved and helps to ensure fan support at each of the events.
Fund Raising Committee
A Fund-Raising Committee, while not a requirement, is yet one more way to involve even more of your employees! These might be those individuals who come to you and say, “I’m not athletic, but I want to participate.” What The Corporate Challenge gives back to Special Olympics Texas is important, not just from a philanthropic standpoint, but to every athlete who benefits from our gifts. We have given over $3M to this wonderful charity and look forward to continuing giving with your help!
Contact Becky Shoulders with Special Olympics Texas to set up your fundraising page or to help with fundraising! [email protected]
Helpful Tips
Reach out to our Corporate Challenge Ambassadors! They have been in your shoes!
BORROW, BORROW, BORROW! Don’t feel like you have to start from scratch on every aspect of the Challenge. Take what someone else has done and modify it to fit your needs.
Recruit for help! There is someone for everyone when it comes to the Corporate Challenge, you do not have to be an athlete to be apart of the Challenge!
Don’t do EVERYTHING that everyone else is doing. Decide what will work with your company culture and go from there.
Allow the program to grow within your company over the course of time. You don’t have to do all of your growing in one year.
Our goal is to keep it fun!
Select your coaches for each event – host a meeting to get them all on the same page. Get them to start recruiting players, remember spouses and retirees are eligible players too!
Decide on your t-shirt look, will you have an in-house contest, do you have a creative person who will design?
Decide how you will handle sign ups. Actual sign up party, ice cream social, company picnic/events? Involve your spirit committee!
Start thinking about your fundraising efforts, will you participate in the raffle? Will you do casual day buttons, bake sale, t-shirt sales, silent auction etc.? The options are endless! Reach out to our ambassadors to bounce ideas off of!
Hang some promo posters in your break areas or mail room to let everyone know your company is in!
Start forming your spirit committee and fundraising committee.
Hold your sign up parties, socials or events, feel free to invite the games staff! We would love to be there!
Make sure team captains/coaches have reviewed the published rules on each event page and that they communicate that with their teams.
Practice opportunities will be given at the June Coordinators meeting, make sure your coaches are aware of the facilities, practice passes and rules when reserving fields *1 one hour practice per week*
Start planning for internal competitions or hosting try outs if you need to narrow down your rosters for some events.
Start looking at placing your order for t-shirts!
Can you start implementing your fundraising efforts?
Spirit Giveaways? Order them now!
Coaches should begin to submit rosters online. Event agreement form will be due this month!
Start working on your Opening Ceremonies planning, remember it is one big tailgating kick off party! Menu, Catering or Pot Luck?
Submit your order form for tables and chairs at Opening Ceremonies *chair/table rentals are an additional cost that is not included in your registration fee*
Start thinking on how you will update your employees once the games begin.
Promotional calendars/posters should be in, you will pick them up at the July Coordinator meeting
Raffle Tickets should be in, recruit your Spirit Committee, Coaches, Fundraising Committee and other employees to help raise your minimum to be donated to Special Olympics Texas!
GAME ON! Have a great time at Opening Ceremonies!
Take photos and send to the Games Staff
Remember to send updates to your company
HAVE FUN & enjoy the next 10 weeks of games!